Monday, 11 March 2013

How can i become more prepared?

The session was about mother’s day and red nose day, there were two tables set up so that the young people could make mother’s day cards as well as red nose day T-shirts. This session did not have any many young people as previous weeks however there were still more girls than boys; this is a recurring tend. A few of the girls did not join in with any of the t-shirt making as they did not bring a t-shirt, although they were told in the previous session to bring one.

We did offer the young people who did not bring a t-shirt bags that they could buy that could be designed, these bags would cost 50p this money would be donated to red nose day. The other table was also slightly empty, to get some of the girls to make mother’s day card I thought that maybe if they saw me make one then maybe they would do the same. This idea worked but a few of the girls still did not want to take part, they were too busy talking with each other. From what I could hear the discussion was about boyfriends; this is always a hot topic with that particular group of girls. To get them to co-operate more one of the other youth workers started to play a card game with them, this was a game that he had made up on the spot.  He explained the rules to the girls and boys however within seconds of the game beginning some of the girls started shouting out ‘what are the rules again?’
As I was sat on the table watching over as some of the girls designed there t-shirts one of the girls asked me a question ‘What do you think about 16 and pregnant?’ I did not what to say many question came to mind.

Am I permitted to answer this question?
What is my opinion on the topic?
How can I answer this question without being to explicit? 

The whole table swiftly became quite, I gathered my thoughts and answered the question; as I finished my answer she them said ‘my sister is 16 and pregnant’ I was stunned I hoped that my answer did not offend her as I generally answered the question. My answer was not directed to anyone, it was amazing to see how happy she was, and all I could say was 16 is too young to have a child. Before the conversation could go any further another youth worker came to the table and explained to the girls that they should not talk about people who are not in the session 

I’ve had a few days to reflect on last Friday sessions I feel that I could have dealt with matters better; I feel that I should not have answered the questions. I could have causally changed the subject; I find it hard not to give an opinion on things especially when I am asked. i will be reaching into common topics amongst young people, this is so that the next time i am in a situation like this I am aware of how o correctly deal with it.
Questioned generated 

I have thought of a few questions that I would like to ask the young people; as I have motioned numerous times in previous blogg Fridays are the busiest days. Due to the large amount of young people that attend the youth sessions I would like to find out why these young people prefer to come on the Friday. I will also be asking my colleagues questions, It would be interesting to hear their opinions, these are pilot questions. 

  • Why do you attend the youth sessions?
  • Do you attend any of the session during the week?
  • Who do you attend the sessions with? I.e. school friends
  •  Do any of you friends attend the youth sessions?
  • Have you made any new friends since being a member of the Riverside?

Below are a few pictures from Fridays session, I have made sure to follow the child protection act.

Consent forms (updated)

This form must be given to the Young People before any interviews or surveys can go ahead, they must be given to their parents or guardians. For any of the Young People willing to take part in the interviews this form needs to be singed, I can not interview any Young Person who has not signed the form. The reason for this is that the Young Persons Parents or Guardian has to be made aware of my investigation.

Child(ren) & Young People’s Participation Consent Form

Sanana Lewanika a youth worker based at the Sutton Life Centre, as an employee of the Riverside Community Association, is conducting an inquiry on youth projects for her BA (Hons) Professional Practice course at Middlesex University. This will involve interviewing young people and conducting surveys and focus groups to gather information*. 

Section to be completed by child(ren)/young person
I confirm that I am aware I may be asked to complete a survey, be interviewed or to join a discussion on various topics sounding young people, the Time Out Youth Project and its staff and the community to help gather information for an inquiry about the benefits of youth projects. At any point I am able to withdraw my participation.

Name (child/young person):

Signed (child/young person):


Parents/Carers please complete the information below should you wish your child to part.

I am aware that as a member of the Time Out Youth Project my child(ren) may be part of discussions, take part in surveys and give their opinions on various topics to help staff gather information for an inquiry about youth projects. 

I am aware that the contact person for this exercise should I have any further queries is Tanisha Thompson who is undertaking this inquiry in order to complete her youth work Degree.

I give consent for

Date of birth:


*No personal information will be attributed in the final report.
(Please return your completed form to Sanana Lewanika in person).


(Before  i give out any of the consent forms i will make sure that i have my interview questions, it will not be beneficial for me to hand these form out if i have no questions.) 


Equal Opportunities Policy

Riverside Community Association operates an Equal Opportunities Policy in respect of paid staff, volunteers, children and young people. Volunteers will be expected to have an understanding of and commitment to our Equal Opportunities Policy.

Below is a list of some of the procedures that I will make sure I will follow whilst carrying out my inquiry:  

  • Conduct risk assessment - Ensuring that staff conduct risk assessments in order to minimise the risk of accidents and potential hazards.

  • Health and safety- Responsibility for ensuring that people are kept safe by minimising risks to health and safety, especially common accidents such as slips and trips during activities, wear appropriate clothing and shoes to prevent accidents and ensure they use the correct posture and warm before exercises 

  • Young People at the center have authorisation from parents, they have to be aged 11 to 19 years old -consent from parents. 

  • Equal opportunities policy/act all members of staff and young people’s should be treated equally and fairly regardless of any difference that they have such as: disabilities (SEN), age, gender or race.

  • The equal opportunities act organisations have an ethical & moral obligation to ensure that follow staff equal opportunities legislation, we endeavor to treat all young people equally and fairly, adjustments are made to ensure that staff monitor the young people and ensure they treat young people with respect, also respect each others differences. Avoid behavior that my cause offense i.e. using sexual innuendos 

  • Race Relations Act 1976
  • Sex Discrimination Acts 1975-85
  • Equal Pay Act 1980
  • Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1944
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974


Supportive, Positive and Caring Environment

This triangle is used for planning sessions, every session and activity must relate back to the outcomes.  This triangle fits in to the ethics of my inquiry as a youth work I must make sure that these 6 outcomes are always adhered when it comes to planning sessions. 

It is important that the sessions relate back to the triangle i.e. Drama works shops, how would this relate to the triangle? (Increasing self-esteem and independence) even opportunities such as giving the young people a chance to help members of staff with setting up an activity. All these types of activity give the young people chance to experience different type of responsibilities.        

 Ethical frame at my work place Riversid Community Association (RCA)

The Association was established in 1997, to support and provide community activities, initially on Durand Close, Carshalton. The work of the Association has grown and developed over the years and now involves the direct delivery of work, through its Projects, as well as supporting other local programmes.

As I am currently a voluntary member of the Riverside association I have listed any policies and procedures at may relate to me. This Volunteering Policy is reinforced by the following principles:

  • RCA will ensure that all volunteers are welcomed into the staffing structure and that ways of working are in place for them to make a valued contribution to our work;

  • RCA expects all paid staff to work closely with volunteers and actively seek to involve them in their work;

  •  RCA will provide on-going training, support and supervision to all volunteers.

All the information that has been gathered below is from the (RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (RCA) Riverside Centre, 297A Durand Close, Carshalton, SM5 2BT.) 


I have considered any ethical regulations that may apply to me; I have thought of them without the use of any documents or discussions. The codes of practice/ regulations that I observed in my current organisation ( are:

  • Risk assessments (making provisions for others with disabilities)
  • Equal opportunities (Equality act)
  • Health and safety policy
  • Adhering to Codes of conduct
  • CRB checked staff and voluntary workers
  • No sexual discrimination against staff or young people  
  • Reasonable working hours/ appropriate working conditions 
  • welfare policy 
  • Working time regulations
  • Absenteeism amongst staff
  • Consent forms from parents of participants
  • Staff/ young people should avoid being under the influence of alcohol or drugs  
  •  Adult to young person ratio 
  • Behaviour policy
  • Anit-bullying policy 
  • Employment contracts and terms of employment
  • Job requirements and description 
  • Job title
  • Holiday entitlement 
  • Disciplinary procedure