Wednesday, 16 March 2011

My Blogg

I started the BAPP course in January 2011, since the start of the course I was given my hand book along with the reader and the web tools. I have been to three campus sessions. We are now in March and I have only just started to transfer my entire notes on to my blogg, for those looking out side it, it would look as though I am behind. However for me looking inside out I’m right on schedule. It has taken me a long time to put up my blog; or rather my posts.

I really have struggled with this task. Not because did not know what I had to do, I just found it hard to get my self back into the routine of sitting down and typing up my work. Now that I have finally given my self the time to do my work it seems that I can not stop updating my blog. I suppose for me the hard part is over and now that my blog is up I do not see why I should keep it up to date.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sanana - it would be great to read more blog posts from you and see you getting going on the tasks for the module. One way is to establish a daily habit of reading blogs and reading the handbook and getting going. Look at the Active Experimentation node on Kolb's cycle of learning. I hope this helps. If you are finding it hard to get going you should contact your advisor. best wishes
