Monday, 14 October 2013

Module 3 At last (update on inquiry progress)

My inquiry is going very well I am begging to learn even more about my chosen topic. During the summer I was able to work more hours at the youth centre; this then gave me the chance to have a better look as to how the girls behave in different social surroundings. I worker with a much larger amount of young people, the number of young people who attended the youth centre grew weekly. The regular members began inviting there friends this then meant we were having at least 5-10 new members each week. 

As mentioned in previous blogs I am still fairly new to youth work however the summer experiences gave me a better insight into what else can be expected. I defiantly can say that I have grown as a youth worker compare to the start of the year. I was given the opportunity to go on off sight trips with the youth centre; I was responsible for a group of young people. Which I must say I found daunting as this would be the first time I was in charge of a group of young people. I would be lying if I said the experience was easy; as it was not, it was very challenging at times I felt as though it was too over whelming for me. (Discussed further in my personal journal) 

This inquiry has sparked some very stimulating discussions amongst staff, being able to discuss my inquiry with my colleagues have been very beneficial to this inquiry. i am able to continue focusing on the importance of the inquiry.

I’ve been working like a crazy women, I am working two different jobs over 6 days, leaving me with only 1 day off per week. The past few months have been rather hectic from working at the youth centre to working at the toy store. Now it’s time to get my head back into ‘Uni Mode’ I need to start prioritising so that I can get my degree one and for all. I know that it’s not practical working 6 days a week, when do I get time to study? When do I get the time to attend campus sessions? Although between train journeys to work I am able to read my fellow BAPP blogs but I seem to lack the time to comment. 

Commenting on blogs is not as easy as it sounds, I like to take my time to carefully read as well understand the bloggs. It may look as though I may not have been showing any form of interest to this module, I am. With that said I have now chosen to reduce the amount of days I am working, I do not want my work life to hinder my progression with this module. I will make sure to spend a suffiant amount of time into blogging and commenting, I do not want my lack of communication to be my downfall in the module.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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